Friday, November 2, 2012

Running > Writing

I haven't been writing.  I've always been a writer in that I love language and I love how seemingly random words can connect to tell a story.  However, most of that writing takes place in my head, rather than on paper or on a computer screen. Does it still count as writing if it's not written down? No? Ok then, I am simply a story-teller who hasn't been telling her stories recently, but that doesn't mean I haven't been creating stories to tell.

So I haven't been writing but I have been running. I'm coming up on the last few weeks of my training for the North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon on December 1st. I have several upcoming races which I am using as training runs for NFEC.

I've been having lots of lovely trail running adventures with friends over the past few months, and getting more confident about solo trail runs, especially those in areas where there have been recent mountain lion sightings and those that I don't finish until it's dark. Yes, I am a wimp about certain things!

Here's hoping November and taper time will bring me the added motivation and time to start writing a little more.


1 comment:

  1. I agree the *running* is easy, but the *writing* of running is tough. That being said, I would sure LOVE to read more about your trail adventures and new goals!
